Follow the music

Follow the music

No artist likes to be pigeonholed. They want to mix it up, explore, experiment - go where the music takes them. Blues morphs into Jazz and flows into Soul. R&B goes Gospel, moves into Rock, rolls into Pop and plays with Reggae. Next thing you know there’s an unexpected chart hit with some serious pedigree behind it.

This section is for albums that don’t fit neatly into Blues or Jazz, even though that’s where you might normally expect to find the artist. You’ll also find oddities and random recordings we’ve picked up along the way that might just tickle your eardrums.

Dare to venture into the unknown.

Bobby Darin, Bobby Vee, Cole Porter, George Dourado, Georgie Fame, The Hollies, Joe Walsh, Leonard Bernstein, The Ink Spots, Nelson Riddle, Placido Doming and John Denver, Ruby Turner, Tony Hancock

Haul of Fame

The inimitable Georgie Fame has never been one to be tied down. Over his long and varied career, he has ventured beyond his jazz influenced Rhythm & Blues roots into Pop, Soul, Samba and even Reggae.

Georgie FameFame at LastBlues/Jazz/PopColumbia              1964          MONOVinyl: G         Sleeve: P£5

Georgie Fame

Fame at Last


Columbia 1964 MONO

Vinyl: G Sleeve: P


Georgie FameRhythm and Blues at the FlamingoRhythm and Blues/PopColumbia               1964          MONOVinyl: G          Sleeve: P£20

Georgie Fame

Rhythm and Blues at the Flamingo

Rhythm and Blues/Pop

Columbia 1964 MONO

Vinyl: G Sleeve: P


Georgie Fame and Alan PriceSweet ThingsPopColumbia              1966Vinyl:  G        Sleeve: P£8

Georgie Fame and Alan Price

Sweet Things


Columbia 1966

Vinyl: G Sleeve: P


Georgie FameSeventh SonRhythm and Blues/PopCBS              1969Vinyl: VG+          Sleeve: F£20

Georgie Fame

Seventh Son

Rhythm and Blues/Pop

CBS 1969

Vinyl: VG+ Sleeve: F


Georgie Fame and Alan PriceFame & Price/Price & Fame/TogetherPopCBS               1971Vinyl:  VG       Sleeve: G£8

Georgie Fame and Alan Price

Fame & Price/Price & Fame/Together


CBS 1971

Vinyl: VG Sleeve: G


Georgie FameBonnie & ClydePop/JazzCBS               1973Vinyl:  VG       Sleeve: G£10

Georgie Fame

Bonnie & Clyde


CBS 1973

Vinyl: VG Sleeve: G


Georgie FameGeorgie FameBlues/RockIsland              1974Vinyl: VG+         Sleeve: P£3

Georgie Fame

Georgie Fame


Island 1974

Vinyl: VG+ Sleeve: P


Georgie FameThat’s What Friends Are ForSoul/PopPYE             1979Vinyl: VG+        Sleeve: P£15           Signed copy

Georgie Fame

That’s What Friends Are For


PYE 1979

Vinyl: VG+ Sleeve: P

£15 Signed copy


Georgie FameClosing the GapReggaePiccadilly              1980Vinyl: VG+          Sleeve: G£15

Georgie Fame

Closing the Gap


Piccadilly 1980

Vinyl: VG+ Sleeve: G


Georgie FameI Love JamaicaReggaeTelefunken            1983 (Germany)Vinyl: VG+        Sleeve: G£10

Georgie Fame

I Love Jamaica


Telefunken 1983 (Germany)

Vinyl: VG+ Sleeve: G


Georgie Fame and the Blue FlamesBack AgainRhythm and Blues/SoulK-Tel             1987Vinyl: VG+         Sleeve: G£6

Georgie Fame and the Blue Flames

Back Again

Rhythm and Blues/Soul

K-Tel 1987

Vinyl: VG+ Sleeve: G


Georgie FameNo WorriesJazz/PopFour Leaf Clover           1988 (Rec. Sydney ‘87)Vinyl: VG+        Sleeve: G£15       Signed copy

Georgie Fame

No Worries


Four Leaf Clover 1988 (Rec. Sydney ‘87)

Vinyl: VG+ Sleeve: G

£15 Signed copy

Georgie Fame, Lena Ericson, Lasse SamuelsonGeorgie, Lena, LasseSoul/Jazz/GospelFour Leaf Clover             1986 (Sweden)Vinyl: VG+          Sleeve: VG+£12

Georgie Fame, Lena Ericson,

Lasse Samuelson

Georgie, Lena, Lasse


Four Leaf Clover 1986 (Sweden)

Vinyl: VG+ Sleeve: VG+


Georgie Fame Singles

Georgie Fame and the Blue FlamesFats for Fame / No No, Blue Monday.           So Long / Sick and TiredRhythm and BluesColumbia            1965            7” EPVinyl: VG          Sleeve: F£5

Georgie Fame and the Blue Flames

Fats for Fame / No No, Blue Monday. So Long / Sick and Tired

Rhythm and Blues

Columbia 1965 7” EP

Vinyl: VG Sleeve: F


Georgie FameKnock on Wood / All I’m Asking.          Didn’t  Want to Have to Do It / Close the DoorSoul/PopCBS           1967            7” EPVinyl: F       Sleeve: none£1

Georgie Fame

Knock on Wood / All I’m Asking. Didn’t Want to Have to Do It / Close the Door


CBS 1967 7” EP

Vinyl: F Sleeve: none


Georgie FameBecause I Love You / Bidin’ My TimeJazz/PopCBS             1967            7” SingleVinyl: F         Sleeve: None£1

Georgie Fame

Because I Love You / Bidin’ My Time


CBS 1967 7” Single

Vinyl: F Sleeve: None


Georgie FameTry My World / No ThanksJazz/PopCBS        1967            7” SingleVinyl: P        Sleeve: None£1

Georgie Fame

Try My World / No Thanks


CBS 1967 7” Single

Vinyl: P Sleeve: None


Georgie Fame By the Time I Get to Pheonix / For Your PleasurePopCBS          1968            7” SingleVinyl: VG          Sleeve: None£5

Georgie Fame

By the Time I Get to Pheonix / For Your Pleasure


CBS 1968 7” Single

Vinyl: VG Sleeve: None


Georgie FameSeventh Son / Fully BookedJazz/PopCBS           1969            7” SingleVinyl: F       Sleeve: None£1

Georgie Fame

Seventh Son / Fully Booked


CBS 1969 7” Single

Vinyl: F Sleeve: None


Georgie Fame and Alan PriceFollow Me / Sergeant JobsworthPopCBS             1971           7” SingleVinyl: G        Sleeve: None£1

Georgie Fame and Alan Price

Follow Me / Sergeant Jobsworth


CBS 1971 7” Single

Vinyl: G Sleeve: None


Georgie FameHey Baby I’m Getting Ready / City HickerPopReprise       1972            7” SingleVinyl: P        Sleeve: None£2

Georgie Fame

Hey Baby I’m Getting Ready / City Hicker


Reprise 1972 7” Single

Vinyl: P Sleeve: None


Georgie Fame Ali Shuffle / Round TwoReggaeIsland         1974           7” SingleVinyl: VG          Sleeve: None£1

Georgie Fame

Ali Shuffle / Round Two


Island 1974 7” Single

Vinyl: VG Sleeve: None


Georgie FameYes Honestly / LilyPopIsland          1976            7” SingleVinyl: NM       Sleeve: None£3

Georgie Fame

Yes Honestly / Lily


Island 1976 7” Single

Vinyl: NM Sleeve: None


Georgie Fame Give a Little More / Give a Little More (Dub)ReggaePiccadilly            1980            7” SingleVinyl: F        Sleeve: None£3

Georgie Fame

Give a Little More / Give a Little More (Dub)


Piccadilly 1980 7” Single

Vinyl: F Sleeve: None


Georgie Fame & Annie RossDrip - Drop / One Morning in MayJazz/PopBald Eagle        1981            7” SingleVinyl: F        Sleeve: None£1

Georgie Fame & Annie Ross

Drip - Drop / One Morning in May


Bald Eagle 1981 7” Single

Vinyl: F Sleeve: None


Georgie Fame & Annie RossDrip - Drop / One Morning in MayJazz/PopBald Eagle        1981            7” SingleVinyl: G        Sleeve: None£2

Georgie Fame & Annie Ross

Drip - Drop / One Morning in May


Bald Eagle 1981 7” Single

Vinyl: G Sleeve: None


Georgie Fame & Annie Ross / and                                       The Famous Flamingo OrchestraHong Kong Blues / The Old Music MasterJazz/PopBald Eagle          1981            7” SingleVinyl: G       Sleeve: None£5

Georgie Fame & Annie Ross / and The Famous Flamingo Orchestra

Hong Kong Blues / The Old Music Master


Bald Eagle 1981 7” Single

Vinyl: G Sleeve: None


Georgie Fame The Hurricane / The Hurricane Pt2Pop - Dedicated to Alex HigginsMy Music           1982            7” SingleVinyl: VG        Sleeve: G£3

Georgie Fame

The Hurricane / The Hurricane Pt2

Pop - Dedicated to Alex Higgins

My Music 1982 7” Single

Vinyl: VG Sleeve: G


Georgie Fame The Hurricane / The Hurricane Pt2Pop - Dedicated to Alex HigginsMy Music           1982            7” SingleVinyl: VG        Sleeve: G£8            Signed copy

Georgie Fame

The Hurricane / The Hurricane Pt2

Pop - Dedicated to Alex Higgins

My Music 1982 7” Single

Vinyl: VG Sleeve: G

£8 Signed copy

Patti Boulaye & Georgie Fame Swinging on a Star / I Feel Like Loving YouPopHollywood       1984            7” SingleVinyl: VG        Sleeve: None£2

Patti Boulaye & Georgie Fame

Swinging on a Star / I Feel Like Loving You


Hollywood 1984 7” Single

Vinyl: VG Sleeve: None


Mondo Kane ft. Dee Lewis and Coral Gordon. Guest Star Georgie Fame                                      New York Afteroon / Manhatten AfternoonJazz/Bossa NovaLisson          1986            7” SingleVinyl: VG+       Sleeve: VG+£5

Mondo Kane ft. Dee Lewis and Coral Gordon. Guest Star Georgie Fame

New York Afteroon / Manhatten Afternoon

Jazz/Bossa Nova

Lisson 1986 7” Single

Vinyl: VG+ Sleeve: VG+


Georgie Fame Samba / Samba Willow KingLatin/Pop Ensign          1986            12” SingleVinyl: VG+        Sleeve: VG£5

Georgie Fame

Samba / Samba Willow King


Ensign 1986 12” Single

Vinyl: VG+ Sleeve: VG




Joe Walsh

But Seriously, Folks

Asylum 1978 (UK)

Vinyl: VG+ Sleeve: VG+




Bobby Vee

The Very Best of

Sunset 1974 (UK)

Vinyl: VG Sleeve: p


Bobby Darin

Oh Look At Me Now

Capitol 1962 (UK) MONO

Vinyl: G Sleeve: P


The Hollies

Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress

MFP 1978 (UK)

Vinyl: VG+ Sleeve: VG+


The Ink Spots

The Original Ink Spots

Allegro 1964 (UK)

Vinyl: VG+ Sleeve: VG



Pop Singles

Placido Domingo

and John Denver

Perhaps Love/Annie’s Song


CBS 1981 (Netherlands) 7” Single

Vinyl: NM Sleeve: VG+



Soul /Funk

Ruby TurnerWomen Hold Up Half the SkyJive     1986     (UK)Vinyl: VG     Sleeve: VG£8

Ruby Turner

Women Hold Up Half the Sky

Jive 1986 (UK)

Vinyl: VG Sleeve: VG



Easy Listening

George Dourado

Los Dourados

Starline 1970 (New Zealand)

Vinyl: G Sleeve: G+


Nelson Riddle

The Joy of Living

Capitol. 1959 (UK)

Vinyl: VG Sleeve: G


Nelson Riddle

Love Tide

World Record Club 1966 (UK)

Vinyl: VG+ Sleeve: VG




Cole Porter

Can-Can Original Soundtrack

Capitol 1962 (US)

Vinyl: F Sleeve: No cover


Leonard Bernstein

Bernstein Conducts Bernstein

CBS 1965 (UK) MONO

Vinyl: VG Sleeve: G



Tony Hancock

The Blood Donor/The Radio Ham

PYE 1961 (UK)

Vinyl: VG Sleeve: VG
